Episode 34

Revealing Parallel Histories Hidden in Plain Sight: feat. Tangible Remnants w/ Sarah Shoenfeld & G. Derek Musgrove

This episode is an edited recording from the February 2023 Live Show at the Octagon Museum featuring a conversation with Sarah Shoenfeld and Derek Musgrove. The focus of the discussion was on the work we've been doing to elevate 20th century Civil Rights sites and Black Power sites within Washington, DC.



Sarah Shoenfeld is an independent scholar and public historian in Washington DC. Her work has addressed the history and evolution of DC neighborhoods; the city’s racialized housing landscape and planning regime; the intersection of race and historic preservation; and the history of organizing for civil rights, Black power, and Black governance. She co-founded the digital public history project Mapping Segregation in Washington DC, which documents the historic extent of racially restricted housing in the District along with other mechanisms of segregation and displacement. She is also on the leadership team of the DC Legacy Project, which is working to secure the future public use of five historically landmarked public housing buildings for cultural and educational activities at Barry Farm, in Southeast DC.


George Derek Musgrove, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of History and Africana Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He earned his Ph.D. from New York University and is a current DC resident with his wife and two sons.  He is the author of:

  •  Rumor, Repression, and Racial Politics: How the Harassment of Black Elected Officials Shaped Post-Civil Rights America (U. of Georgia, 2012), as well as the co-author, with Chris Myers Asch, of Chocolate City, A History of Race and Democracy in the Nation’s Capital (UNC, 2017),

In addition to being an author he also created a web-based map called “Black Power in Washington, D.C" which highlights Black Power activism in the nation’s capital. 

His work has appeared in the Washington PostNational Public Radio, the New York Times and The Root. He is currently working on a book project tentatively titled “We must take to the streets again”: The Black Power Resurgence in Conservative America, 1980-1997, which explores the burst of black activism that rose in opposition to the urban crisis and the conservative retrenchment

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