Episode 35

Around the World w/ Indu Chakravarthy

This week's episode features a conversation with the super insightful Indu Chakravarthy. We go around the world in this episode as she discusses her upbringing, education, and work experiences. It's a fun conversation that might make you want to start traveling again!

Building Spotlight: Academic Block of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore by Balkrishna Vithaldas (B.V. ) Doshi - winner of the 2018 Pritzker Architecture Prize


Bio: Indu Chakravarthy

Characterized by an earnest desire to understand and attempt just about everything, Indu is a “creative generalist” in the best sense of the phrase: with hands-on experience with a wide range of arts and processes, she is passionate about seeking joy and beauty in the world. This pursuit has helped cultivate her perspective that there are many ways of being and a multitude of right answers. Her experiences push her to be more judicious and responsible in her use of resources, and to communicate with more empathy. Sustainability is of paramount importance in her work - fueled by decaf, bad puns and bollywood, she uses her various multi-hyphenate oxymoronic "ways of being" (global-local-multicultural-recycli-crafting, peer-sharing-community-loving-technology-testing, architect-urbanist-preservationist) to chase the pipe dream of a human scaled, equitable, joyful, playful, wonderful multi modal transit-oriented, urban, zero-net-carbon built environment. 

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Mentioned in this episode:

Gabl Continuing Education Podcasts


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Tangible Remnants

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Nakita Reed