Episode 41

Exploring the ACHP w/ Susan Glimcher

This week's episode features a fun episode with Susan Glimcher of the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (ACHP). We cover a number of programs that the ACHP administers and a few that I've had to pleasure of being involved with. I've included links to the various items Susan mentioned in the episode but she also, very graciously offered her email address and would love to connect with you on LinkedIn.  When you connect with Susan on LinkedIn be sure to mention that you heard her on the Tangible Remnants podcast! 

Building spotlight: One of the buildings highlighted on the ACHP's federal agency preservation outleasing success stories and it is Floyd Bennett Field.  Located in the New York metropolitan area, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981 due to its association with mid-20th century commercial aviation architecture. The field opened in 1931 and served as a point of departure for the record-breaking flights of famous aviators such as Amelia Earhart and Howard Hughes.


Bio: Susan Glimcher has worked as the director of the Office of Communications, Education, and Outreach at the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation since 2008. She works with the executive director and chairman to establish communications priorities, develop strategies, and execute ACHP outreach efforts to educate audiences about the mission, programs, and responsibilities of the ACHP. She also determines the strategy and priorities for the agency’s online presence. One of her top priorities is working with students to bring them into an awareness of historic preservation. She has launched several programs that bring students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities onto federal lands to experience how important preservation is to so many places and communities. Susan started her career in New York, Connecticut, and California in advertising, marketing, and in the film industry as a director of creative services. She has worked in Washington, D.C., supporting strategic communications for companies such as Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications. Susan also worked for the Bureau of Consular Affairs within the U.S. Department of State. She implemented branding, marketing, and internal and external communications programs and projects.

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Nakita Reed